Our life is a gift from the CosmosOur life is a gift from the Cosmos

Grandpierre Atilla (GA), Earth dweller, 2010

„The future is shaped not in the offices.”

Parancs János, poet

Search your pure self in the depths of the things!

GA, the dweller of the inner realm of things, 1972

The real values of our life are not the material goods,...

The real values of our life are not the material goods, but the elevating, lifelong experiences. From these the most outstandings are the creative experiences elevating mankind, and the experience of the magic music involving the grandest secret of the Universe.
GA, dweller of musical landscapes, 2010

The life does not consist in the days passed,...

The life does not consist in the days passed, but the ones we remember.
Leonid Pavlenko

The meaning of life resides in joy and the feelings of harmony connected to happiness,...

The meaning of life resides in joy and the feelings of harmony connected to happiness; without happiness, life loses meaning. Happiness is at the heart of our lives and our demand for a meaning. The quotes below underlines it.

One great question underlies our experience,...

One great question underlies our experience, whether we think about it consciously or not: What is the purpose of life? I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness and does not want to suffer. From the very core of our being we simply desire contentment.
Dalai Lama, Tibetan spiritual and political leader, Voices from the Heart

Peasant music of this kind [true] actually is nothing but the...

„Peasant music of this kind [true] actually is nothing but the outcome of changes wrought by a natural force whose operation is unconscious in man who are not influenced by urban culture.”
Béla Bartók essays, by Béla Bartók, Benjamin Suchoff, 1993, p. 6.

The soul of man...

„The soul of man…is a portion or a copy of the soul of the Universe and joined together on principles and in proportions corresponding to those which govern the Universe.”
Plutarch, cca. 75 AD

Genuine folk music, in its wider sense, contains melodies...

„Genuine folk music, in its wider sense, contains melodies – thiose popular both now and in the past among the peasantry inhabiting a given geographical region – which are a spontaneous expression of the people’s musical instinct.” P. 3

Atilla Grandpierre’s remark: the translation omitted an important element.

Atilla Grandpierre’s remark: the translation omitted an important element. The more correct translation would be: „Genuine folk music, in its wider sense, contains melodies – thiose popular both now and in the past among the peasantry inhabiting a given geographical region – which are a spontaneous expression of the people’s musical instinct manifesting itself by an elementary power.” "Let it suffice to say that peasant music of this kind actually is nothing but the outcome of changes wrought by a natural force whose operation is unconscious in man who are not influenced by urban culture.” P. 6,

Folk music is the phenomenon of Nature,...

„Folk music is the phenomenon of from any cultural influences. This kind of creation developed with the same kind of organic freedom as the other living organisms of Nature: flowers, astonishes us with the compactness of its form and its expressive power, its economy, freshness and directness." (Bartók Béla: At the sources of folk music. Remark of the translator, Atilla Grandpierre: An essay missing from the book Béla Bartók Essays, by Benjamin Suchoff, 1993, University of Nebraska Press,„Folk music is the phenomenon of from any cultural influences. This kind of creation developed with the same kind of organic freedom as the other living organisms of Nature: flowers, astonishes us with the compactness of its form and its expressive power, its economy, freshness and directness." (Bartók Béla: At the sources of folk music. Remark of the translator, Atilla Grandpierre: An essay missing from the book Béla Bartók Essays, by Benjamin Suchoff, 1993, University of Nebraska Press,
Published in Hungarian in: Bartók Béla, A népzenéről. Gondolat, Bp. 1931/1981, 30).

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy."

Ludwig van Beethoven

Art is the reflection of the perfect nature of human essence.

„Art is the reflection of the perfect nature of human essence. All the ultimate aims of all desires is found in it, and it it this, what reverberates: the timeless harmony of perfectness.” (unknown author, in Hungarian)űvészet

Mencius argued that if we did not feel satisfaction or,...

Mencius argued that if we did not feel satisfaction or pleasure in nourishing one's "vital force" with "righteous deeds", that force would shrivel up (Mencius,6A:15 2A:2). More specifically, he mentions the experience of intoxicating joy if one celebrates the practice of the great virtues, especially through music. Chan, Wing-tsit (1963). A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton, NJ, US: Princeton University Press. By the ancient Chinese philosophy music is the gift of the Heavens, its fundamental principles arise from the laws of the Universe and it can influence humans by an extraordinary power. (in Hungarian)

Guyau talks about the enjoyment of art:

Guyau talks about the enjoyment of art: „Let us imagine, what does a bird feel, when unfolds its wings and saw the air like an arrow, let us remember, what did we feel when riding on the back of our galloping horse or when our sailboat is flying on the foams or in the extasy of the waltz; all thes runnings induce within us the idea of infinity, the unboundless longing, of voluptuous and wild life, the inner necessity to run into the unlimited realms and get lost in the Universe.”
Mosonyi Dezső dr.: The psychology of music on new foundations. 1934, Budapest, 9.-10. o. (in Hungarian)

"The horse is the greatest gift, with which culture treasured mankind."

(Klattle, 1814, Aphorismen über die Pferdezucht)

An old Arabian saying tells that Paradise can be found on the earth on the back of the horse,...

"An old Arabian saying tells that Paradise can be found on the earth on the back of the horse, on the pages of the books, and in the embracing arms of women. In the sanskrit and zend languages the Sun, the light and the majestic are identical with the horse. The magic horse of the ancient Hungarians had also extzraordinary capabilities. The first real horseriding people in the history of Europe are the Huns. On the back of the horse the man became elevated to a heightness above the accustomed order of things: he discovered the exstatic feeling of speed, the extasy which still characterizes man aiming to reach higher and higher."
(Vecseklöy József: Ló és ember. 1983, a szerző kiadása. In Hungarian)

The horseriding people who spent millenia united with Nature in true friendship,...

"The horseriding people who spent millenia united with Nature in true friendship, in the nursing and rhythm making his blood boiling on the endless plains, in a dizzy speed galloping to the joyful infinite space, had an unusually rich musical culture. The first horseriding people who lived for five thosuand years on the infinite Eurasian plains from the Carpathian Basin until Korea and Rajasthan left fresh, magic and galvanizing musical traces to us. I spent some decades collecting them, and with the help of extraordinary lucky series of findings I succeeded to reconstruct a musical world from it, led by inner exstatic experiences flaiming from the depths of the internal infinite musical universe. It is now time to discover the treasures of horseriding culture, the until now inaccessible, uncharted and extraordinarily rich gifts of the cultural world heritage of mankind. We can experience again the unusually original, magic feelings of our ancients, we experience that we re-experience them because we already experienced them in a way that cut into our bones. These natural feelings always lived within us, hidden in our genetic memories, in the collective magic mind of mankind, waiting to be rediscovered, waiting for the wonder to live again. The time has come!"
GA, 2005

One conclusion was forced upon my mind at that time,...

„One conclusion was forced upon my mind at that time, and my impression of its truth has ever since remained unshaken. It is that our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence; but apply the requisite stimulus, and at a touch they are there in all their completeness, definite types of mentality which probably somewhere have their field of application and adaptation. No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded. How to regard them is the question--for they are so discontinuous with ordinary consciousness. Yet they may determine attitudes though they cannot furnish formulas, and open a region though they fail to give a map. At any rate, they forbid a premature closing of our accounts with reality.”
William James: The Varieties of Religious Experience, p. 422

The great central fact in human life is the coming into a conscious vital realization,...

"The great central fact in human life is the coming into a conscious vital realization of our oneness with this Infinite Life and the opening of ourselves fully to this divine inflow. In just the degree that we come into a conscious realization of our oneness with the Infinite Life, and open ourselves to this divine inflow, do we actualize in ourselves the qualities and powers of the Infinite Life, do we make ourselves channels through which the Infinite Intelligence and Power can work. In just the degree in which you realize your oneness with the Infinite Spirit, you will exchange disease for ease, inharmony for harmony, suffering and pain for abounding health and strength. To recognize our own divinity, and our intimate relation to the Universal, is to attach the belts of our machinery to the powerhouse of the Universe. One need remain in hell no longer than one chooses to; we can rise to any heaven we ourselves choose; and when we choose so to rise, all the higher powers of the Universe combine to help us heavenward."
R. W. Trine: In Tune with the Infinite, 26th thousand, N.Y., 1899.

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